President-elect Trump has announced many Cabinet appointments and last week announced Andy Puzder, head of fast food brands Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr., for Secretary of Labor. Several names were circulated in recent weeks as possible successors to outgoing Secretary Thomas Perez, including Vicki Lipnic, a current EEOC Commissioner. However, in recent days it
President-elect Trump
EEO-1 Pay Data Reporting – Will It Stay or Will It Go?
By Laura A. Mitchell on
Posted in Compliance Tip
Predicting what any new presidential administration will or won’t do based on campaign statements is risky. Nonetheless, we may glean some insights. For instance, of the equal employment opportunity priorities mentioned during the campaign, the President-elect and his daughter, Ivanka, spent time talking about wage equality and childcare. For example, on the news program, 60 …