As scheduled, EEOC and NORC have now provided employers with a way batch upload their EEO-1 Component 2 pay data.  Instructions and details are provided on the More Info Page on the NORC EEO-1 Component 2 website.  Specifically, the following documents are currently available:

The file upload functionality is accessible after securely logging into the Component 2 EEO-1 Online Filing System via the LOGIN to File page.

Additionally, there are new FAQs available on the website, including questions and corresponding answers on topics such as PEO employers, spinoffs and reporting on non-binary gender employees.

Unlike the EEO-1 Component 1 report, the new FAQs state employers are allowed to report data for non-binary gender employees through a manual narrative input in the comment box on the Certification Page.

The FAQs are also now available in a downloadable pdf format for ease of future use and reference.