In the continually developing story of employee pay data reporting, the Judge who overturned the stay on the EEO-1 reporting obligation has granted the government until April 3 to inform employers as to whether they will be required to report pay data as part of this year’s EEO-1 reporting cycle, which opened Monday, March 18th and runs through May 31 – at least currently.

At the request of Plaintiffs, the parties in the case of National Women’s Law Ctr. V. OMB, No. 17-2458 (D.D.C) appeared before the Judge today in an effort to better understand EEOC’s work towards complying with the Judge’s order to immediately start collecting the required pay data.  The only communication from the Agency since the Judge’s ruling, was a communication on March 18th announcing the opening of the reporting portal for the previously collected Component 1 (race and gender) data.  The announcement reported the agency was “working diligently” to comply with the Court order with respect to collecting Component 2 (pay data and hours worked) and “will provide further information as soon as possible.”  Per the Judge’s order today, they have two weeks to provide that information.

Stay tuned for the next update.