With confirmation from a Department of Labor spokesperson, Bloomberg News is reporting that Ondray Harris will soon be leaving his role as OFCCP Director.  While the reason for his departure was not disclosed, Bloomberg is reporting he will be stepping down from his role at the end of this week.

Bloomberg is reporting Senior Advisor Craig Leen will be serving as interim Director until a permanent Director is named.  If  you remember, prior to Harris’ appointment as Director, there were several reports that Leen himself was going to be named as the Agency head.  Perhaps those reports were not misinformed but simply premature.

The news of Harris’ departure comes just about a week before contractors and OFCCP representatives will gather in Anaheim, California at the 2018 Industry Liaison Group National Conference where Director Harris and Senior Advisor Craig Leen were both slated to speak.  As of this posting Director Harris still appears on the conference agenda.

This is a developing story so stay tuned for updates.

And be on the look out for our daily reports from the ILG Conference.  Hope to see you there!